Getting Match Results and Match Notices
Results are posted to the web site in the members section under Local Match results. Usually within a day of the match. Classifier results are usually posted within a week of the match. This allows for any corrections in match results before submitting. Note that USPSA typically calculates classifications on or around the 14th of each month. Classifier scores will not be reflected in your personal Classification data until that happens.
Match results forwarded to the Area 2 web site can be viewed from their web site.
Mailing List (Google Group)
Match announcements are issued using postings to the ECOUSPSA Google groups. To receive them in your email send an email to If you subsequently want off the distribution list send an email to These email you send to subscribe or unsubscribe does not to contain anything in particular (in fact it can be totally blank).
You can also view the Google Group on the web here. If you are signed in to Google, you can join the group through the Groups interface (there should be an "Apply for group membership" link or an "Apply to join group" button).